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                           Gateway Wheelers

Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy




In our setting we plan to provide an environment which ensures children, young people, and vulnerable adults are safe from potential abuse including bullying and will respond to any suspicion of potential abuse in a way which respects the child's rights, young people’s rights, vulnerable adults’ rights and reinforces the adult’s responsibilities to the children, young people and vulnerable adults.


The designated person to whom all concerns are referred to is SARA BATEMAN (LEAD PROJECT OFFICER and CLUB WELFARE OFFICER).



The welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is a key concern to Gateway Wheelers which aims to provide an environment in which children, young people and vulnerable adults are safe and secure.


Gateway Wheelers recognises that children, young people, and vulnerable adults have the right to be protected from abuse and harm at all times and in all situations.  This policy shows that Gateway Wheelers protects these rights, and that child protection, young people protection and vulnerable adults’ protection are the responsibility of every adult connected with Gateway Wheelers who is involved with children and vulnerable adults.


Gateway Wheelers ensures that proper practices and procedures are in place in order to ensure that children up to the age of 18, young people and vulnerable people are adequately protected from harm while in the care of Gateway Wheelers’ board members, employees, or volunteers or while on Gateway Wheelers’ premises.


This policy has been approved by Gateway Wheelers’ board of trustees (the board). The board is responsible for the implementation of all of Gateway Wheelers’ policies and procedures.

Board members are required to confirm their commitment to this policy when joining the board and when standing for re-election.

New board members will be given appropriate induction training, which will include a copy of this policy.


Gateway Wheelers will take all necessary steps to counter any breaches of this policy.



Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child/vulnerable adult. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child/ vulnerable adult either directly by inflicting harm, or indirectly, by failing to act to prevent harm.

Abuse may therefore include any of the following:

The term ‘Abuse’ includes:

  • Physical abuse – hitting, smacking, nipping, force feeding, biting.

  • Psychological abuse – verbal, threats, humiliation, intimidation.

  • Sexual abuse – rape, sexual harassment, not consenting to sexual activity.

  • Financial or material abuse – theft, fraud, exploitation, possessions, or benefits

  • Abuse by neglect – lack of physical, social or health care.

  • Discriminatory abuse – swearing, name calling contrary to human rights or dignity such as a child’s disability, age, sexuality, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, gender, or colour.



Ensure that all adults working (voluntary or paid) in the setting are aware of the fact that

such work is exempt from the provision laid down in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act



Require all potential workers (including volunteers) to provide references, attend an interview, and sign an agreement for an enhanced DBS check and to work for a probationary period.


Provide an induction programme for new members of staff, trustees and volunteers that includes Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults responsibilities.


Offer on-going training to all adults, involved with the care and education of children, young people and vulnerable people which will help them to recognise and respond to suspected abuse of children, young people and vulnerable people whether physical, emotional, sexual or as a result of neglect.


Never allow an unregistered adult to be alone with a child, children or vulnerable adult e.g. going to the toilet or supervising children in a separate room.

Have clearly set out procedures which all adults will be aware of to respond to concerns of suspected abuse.


Recognise that parents should always be involved in the monitoring of children's behaviour or development and should be the first point of contact (except in cases of suspected sexual abuse).


Will ensure the designated person(s) details and remit are clear to all users of Gateway Wheelers

This policy operates alongside the following:


  • Gateway Wheelers has adopted the British Cycling Safeguarding Strategy, published June 2024

  • Board members, employees, or volunteers, who suspect that a child/ vulnerable adult has been, or is being, abused* shall follow these procedures.

  • Gateway Wheelers follows Monitoring and Recording Procedures that ensure that all information recorded is brief, factual and without interpretation, opinion, or recommendation.


Designated Person(s)

All board members, employees and volunteers must work co-operatively to ensure that this policy is rigorously applied. However, a specific co-ordinating responsibility rests with the responsible person or a designated deputy. The responsible person is Sara Bateman (Club Welfare Officer) and Douglas Swailes (designated person).


The duties of the responsible person (or the designated deputy) are to:


  • Keep this policy up to date

  • Ensure that all relevant personnel have access to it

  • Ensure that all relevant personnel have read and understood this policy [via their completed declaration form]

  • Ensure that relevant board members, employees and volunteers who will come into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults shall receive basic awareness training during their induction period so that they are better able to recognise signs of abuse and understand the action that they must take.

  • Ensure all relevant personnel undergo the relevant DBS checks

  • Ensure that Initial Response Team and Police telephone numbers are to hand


Additionally, he/she will ensure that:


  • All relevant personnel are aware of the requirement to report any suspicion of child abuse to the responsible/designated person.

  • All cases of suspected child abuse are reported to the Initial Response Team and/or the Police

  • Any cases of general concern about the welfare of a child are referred to the Initial response team to follow up


Responding to disclosure

The following guidance is provided to board members, staff, and volunteers on how to properly respond to disclosure of abuse:


  • Inform the child/adult that it may be necessary to share the information with others in order to prevent further abuse from occurring.

  • Listen carefully and take what the child is saying seriously.

  • Make a written record of the allegation using the “Cause for Concern” form [available from the Club Welfare Officer] as soon as possible, including time, date, and location. Sign and date the form.

  • Report allegations of abuse to the responsible or designated person as soon as possible and not more than 24 hours after the disclosure has occurred. The responsible or designated person will make a referral to the British Cycling Safeguarding Team and/or the Police. If the responsible and designated persons are unavailable, report the disclosure to the Initial Response Team and/or the Police.

  • Keep the child/adult informed of what is happening and of any actions that you are preparing to take.

  • Make sure that the child/adult is safe and supported while under your supervision.



  • Ask detailed questions or press the child/adult for more information as this may prejudice any investigation.

  • Promise the child/adult that the allegation will be kept confidential.

  • Make judgements or say anything about the alleged abuser.

  • Disclose any information to anyone other than those directly involved in the investigation


Review Process

This policy has been communicated to all board members, staff, volunteers, and customers.

All Board members, staff, volunteers, and relevant customers are invited to provide feedback in order to drive appropriate changes.

This policy will be reviewed at least every two years and revised as necessary.


Breaches of this policy are regarded as misconduct and will lead to disciplinary action.


This policy reflects and is mindful of relevant legislation and in particular


  • The Children’s Act 1989, the protection of Children 1999, the Children Act 2004, The Human Rights Act 1998.

  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

  • Data Protection Act 1998

  • Police Act 1997 re CRB Checks.

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